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Cadot Dodécagraphe
France Version française
Photos by Jean-François Weber text by Jean-François Weber. From the collection of Jean-François Weber. Last update 2024-02-09 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from 1892 to (After) 1892.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 7031

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Cadot 

Extract from the Journal populaire de la photographie illustrée:

"The Dodécagraphe is the latest type of handheld camera that was created in 1892, which does not mean that it is the least welcome, far from it. Thanks to Mr. Engineer A. Cadot, who eliminated all unnecessary or complicated manipulations, it seems to us to deserve special attention, especially for detective enthusiasts.

Dodécagraphe No. 1 costs 200 francs, No. 2, 150 francs; No. 3, 100 francs; No. 4, 85 francs. All these cameras are in the 9 x 12 format. It is their lenses and their refinement in casing that make them vary in price."

The functions of this detective are numerous. On the front face, from left to right, we find:

The shutter release button with the tip for attaching a bulb release.

A slider to choose between instantaneous or time exposure.

A slider operating a brake and offering a choice between five shutter speeds.

A countersunk hole in which the letter P appears, indicating that the plate is exposed. After recocking, the P disappears.

A manual plate counter.

The button, located under the lens, which activates a rod allowing, in the same movement, to cock the shutter and ensure plate change.

The button on the right side allows advancing or retracting a sliding carriage carrying the shutter and lens. This maneuver allows focusing.

The second photo shows the left side of the camera. The foldable crank visible at the bottom of the image operates a spool that allows unrolling a five-meter-long toothed steel wire. This helps the operator accurately estimate the distance from the subject to the lens for close-up shots.

Cadot Dodécagraphe

Cadot Dodécagraphe

Cameras from Ebay France (Cadot) (Uploaded each 3 hours)